Shareece Wright's Wild Uber Ride

One has to wonder how desperate Shareece Wright is to make the Buffalo Bills roster considering what he was willing to do to make it to a voluntary practice. After having his flight cancelled, Wright got in an Uber in order to make over an eight hour trek to Buffalo from Chicago. The trip cost Wright $632.08 plus Wright gave a generous tip of $300 for a total of $932.08.
By doing this, Wright must be the first player in history to take a taxi costing over $900 to get to practice. In the past, Bills payers might have paid nearly $900 to get out of practice, not to get to practice so this is a good sign for the organization.
Part of the reason for Wright's generous tip was that he felt for the driver who is a refugee. They became friends on the trip, although not friendly enough for Wright to hop into the front seat as he admitted on his John Murphy Show appearance. Hoping into shotgun would have been progressing the relationship forward way to quickly.
Since Wright had enough time to make a new BFF on the long road trip from Chicago to Buffalo, one has to wonder what else he had time to do. Here are some of my suggestions:
He listened to every single Sean McDermott press conference over and over again just to count the amount of times he said the words "methodical" and "process".
He solved a Rubik's cube.
He sung the song 99 bottles of beer on the wall to completion.
He saved a lot of money on his car insurance by switching to Geico.
He set the world record for most simultaneous games of words with friends going on at one time by one person.
He called Cyrus Kouandjio to talk about the events that actually happened on the night he ended up being found naked in a field. Wright was sworn to secrecy.
He ate a deep dish pizza he picked up in Chicago and washed it down with some wings from Anchor Bar upon arriving in Buffalo.
He called into a radio show and won tickets to see Jon Bon Jovi. He then told the radio host that he doesn't want the Bon Jovi tickets because he has no respect for him for wanting to move the Bills out of Buffalo. He then hung up abruptly.
Who knows what Wright actually did during all that time in the car. Wright probably slept a while and talked a bit while passing time on his phone. With that said, I like to think maybe some of the things I proposed actually happened.
In all seriousness it's nice to have a veteran make such a grand gesture to get to a voluntary practice. Moments like this can really have an effect on the younger players on a team. This story alone makes me hope that Shareece Wright makes the roster next season. Historically, the Buffalo Bills could have used more players like him who are willing to go above and beyond just to make it to a voluntary practice.